Monday, November 17, 2008

Shade - Day 1

Supernatural thriller Shade by John Olson is a quick read: The story doesn't linger in one place for long.

I was intrigued by Shade's premise (the following paragraph is lifted from the book's page on, with my apologies for not finding my own words):

A monstrous waking nightmare is pursuing graduate student Hailey Maniates across San Francisco to Golden Gate Park where she is rescued by a towering homeless man. She seems able to read her rescuer’s mind, but is it just a delusion? Doctors diagnose her as a paranoid schizophrenic and attempt to prescribe away her alleged hallucinations. But too many questions remain around Hailey and the man who saved her. He appears to suffer from her same mental condition and is convinced that some type of Gypsy vampire is trying to kill them both.

Against reason, Hailey finds herself more and more attracted to this strange man. But what if he is a fantasy? What if he is the monster?

I picked up the book from the post office on my way to work one day, and was happy for new reading material. So, when I arrived home later that night, I made some supper and immediately settled down with the book.

It opened well, and I stayed with it for several chapters until I couldn't stay awake any longer. I finished the book a couple nights later--darn that work schedule, always interfering with my entertainment agenda--and was left with the residual spinning sensation of having just survived a literary whirlwind.

Over the next couple of days, I'll discuss the book further for potential readers. Meantime, check out other bloggers who are also discussing the book; just click on their links listed in the sidebar under the CSFF Blog Tour logo.

John Olson's website has information about his previous books, or you can read the first chapters of Shade, and decide for yourself.

Hey, if you like it or you hate it, it'll be because you read it! And that's that point, right?


Eaglewing said...

I haven't heard of it, but I think that premise is fascinating. I'll have to add it to my list.

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

I thought it was an easy read in some ways, but agree with your whirlwind analogy, Keanan. I actually picked it up several nights, hoping to read myself asleep. Well, two hours later ... Ha!
