Sunday, September 7, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

"I've been busy"--a short, factual phrase that doesn't begin to cover the details--and have had to let some things go, this blog being one of them.

By "let go," I mean "put off until later."

The regular readers have wandered elsewhere in the interim, so perhaps I am blogging to the void. Nevertheless, I am still here, just occupied with other tasks.

One thing that keeps cropping up in discussions of writers and marketing is the need to 1) blog, and 2) create pages on social networking sites, such as FaceBook or MySpace. I'm not sure about those yet. After all, I can't even keep a blog in good working order. But I'll be back in the thick of it soon.

This weekend, there's a virtual stack of reading 
material on my computer's desktop, most of it required reading. I don't usually like to read long documents on my computer screen, but one novel--The Personifid Invasion by R. E. Bartlett, coming soon from Marcher Lord Press--is fantastic, and I'll be writing more about it in the upcoming Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Blog Tour later this month. 

158 pages down, 196 to go.


Phy said...

We're not /all/ gone. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I haven't been blogging either--in my case, I'm sure I am blogging to the void, but it's OK. If friends and family want to drop by, it's cool! But if not, it's kinda nice to put things down so I can look at 'em and remember! Will try to visit and blog more frequently.

Pappy said...

Oh we are watching you. I sometimes come by and spy without leaving a comment. I have read your recently e-published work and found it much easier to follow than it was in the more spread out serial segments. Let us know when the next installment is available. Pappy