Saturday, January 3, 2009

Writing Advice and Some Humor to Sweeten It

This morning, as I cruised the forums page over at Fear and Trembling magazine, for which I volunteer as a slush reader and proofreader, I read a few recent articles posted there:

One is a humorous piece by Bill Snodgrass, writer and co-founder of Double-Edged Publishing, Inc. He discusses how folks just can't operate that "little dialee thing" on their thermostats: "Civilization's Glass Ceiling".

In the "Writer's Cramps" column, L.S. King has some succinct advice regarding ways a writer can reduce the use of -ly words (adverbs) and create stronger writing: "Descriptive Verbs". King is part of the editorial team at Ray Gun Revival magazine.

Scott Sandridge, editor of Fear and Trembling, conducted an interview with Eric S. Brown, a writer of zombie tales. Though I don't read zombie stories, I always like to read / hear about how other writers operate, how they create, and can often glean something useful from interviews.

And here's an excellent--and brief--piece on how many people view God, "Punishments from God" by Selena Thomason, editor of MindFlights magazine. How much is true, and how much is merely a projection of our own frailties?

Each one of the articles listed above takes maybe two minutes to read--five, tops--so check 'em out. If you don't like what you read, you have my money-back guarantee!*

*(This offer not valid in Hawaii, Alaska, the contiguous United States or any of its territories. Canada's kinda iffy, too.)


Barry said...

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Phy said...

More blog comment spam, KB.