The Black Flowers of Sevan by James Lecky (short fiction)
Man of Moldania by Richard Marsden (short fiction)
Beyond the Lizard Gate by Alex Marshall (short fiction)
Ansel's Army by Elizabeth Barrette (poetry)
Leo Passimus Remembers His First Voyage by Danny Adams (poetry)
The fantastic artwork is by Justin Sweet, and it's a perfect match for the atmosphere of not only the website but the fiction on offer. Check it out!
Can you get the stories to load all the way? They don't seem to want to with me.
I just now gave the first link (the James Lecky story) a try, and it downloaded all the way to the author bio.
Are the links from my blog wonky, or are the pages on the magazine site not working? I can give the guys a holler, and see if they can work out any bugs.
By the way, I saw that Rage of the Behemoth is out. Whoo Hoo! I'm gonna have to go get a copy.
I don't know about your links yet but Lecky's story will not load all the way for me.
Alrighty then. I'm shooting a message to the guys. Here's hoping for mercy from the techno-gremlins!
Well the stories finally came up completely (they're excellent, BTW) so it must have been a temporary problem.
(I just received a reply from Dave about possible solutions to the downloading, and he recommended viewing the mag in Firefox for best results.)
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