I like that the protagonist -- named, ironically enough, Hunter Brown -- isn't perfect, has a a sense of humor, can laugh at himself, and, despite his fears, embarks on some potentially deadly adventures. Regardless of some technical issues with the actual writing, the storytelling is good, and the story itself is interesting, and I recommend it to readers ages 12 and older, including adults.
I had other plans for my posts during this tour, but I didn't get to compose them ahead of time, and work and other events have imposed on my schedule, so today's entry is short and not very helpful. For more detailed and enlightening reviews of the book, please visit these stops along the tour:
Brandon Barr
Keanan Brand
Melissa Carswell
Valerie Comer
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Shane Deal
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Karina Fabian
Marcus Goodyear
Todd Michael Greene
Katie Hart
Ryan Heart
Timothy Hicks
Jason Isbell
Cris Jesse
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Mike Lynch
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Wade Ogletree
John W. Otte
Steve Rice
Crista Richey
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Fred Warren
Phyllis Wheeler
Jill Williamson
Have to agree with you on the technical issues. That really surprised me.
--Jill Williamson
Well, now you have me curious about your other plans! You just may have to post on that some time after the tour! ;-)
Sorry work and stuff has invaded your time so much.
Nice post Keanan, I totally understand about work and life! Have a great week! : )
I like that link on your sidebar to medieval names. Some very beautiful names, too bad some of them have falled by the wayside of history. I also like the quotes you have on your sidebar. I see you are keeping quite busy and quite steeped in creativity these days...
I'm here. Pappy
Jill - Some books with similar gaffes become unreadable for me, but not this one.
Becky - (laugh) I didn't mean to create such intrigue! Actually, I meant to discuss spiritual and literary aspects of the story, but just did not have the time to do other than present simple reviews. Now that the tour is over, and others have had their say, I'll just hold my peace.
Alex - I keep hoping that the schedule clears up, but now I'm beginning to think that's just naive dreaming. On the other hand, I've actually accomplished some decent writing crammed into stolen moments. That's a good week.
Lavinia - Hey! Thanks for checking out all the trivia on the side. I need to make my way around the blogosphere this weekend, and I will be stopping by to catch up on your world.
Tex - Saw your footprints. Figured you'd passed by. (laugh)
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